The arrival of Fall is a reminder to start preparing for winter in WNC. While the temperatures are mild now, winter in the mountains is unpredictable and cold fronts with freezing temps will be upon us soon.
Frozen pipes are one of the most common causes of property damage during the winter months, with repair costs often ranging $5,000 – $20,000 depending on the damage.
Water expands when it freezes, which puts pressure on the pipes themselves. If a pipe freezes and bursts, it can gush water into your home at an alarming rate and cause a whole lot of problems, including flooding, mold, drywall damage, and more. Fortunately, with a little preparation, frozen pipes are easy to avoid.
Winter Flurries, No Worries!
If you plan to be away for an extended time this winter, protect your home by winterizing your plumbing system this fall.
Winterization includes removing all freezable liquids from your plumbing system drain lines, waste lines, potable water lines, fixtures including water heaters, dishwasher, wash machines, ice makers etc. In addition to preparing your plumbing system to be exposed to frost we will also provide and apply frost proof food grade antifreeze to protect all trap seals from emitting sewer gas into the home.
*This offer is good for up to 3 Bathroom home, and includes de-winterization trip upon your return.
Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes
If you plan to be home for the entire winter, or will only be away for a short time, then you won’t need winterization. However, here are some tips to prevent frozen pipes in occupied homes this winter:
- Shut off all outside water spigots and disconnect all hoses.
- Insulate pipes that are in garages, basements, attics, crawl spaces, or areas that are vulnerable to freezing temperatures.
- If an extreme freeze is predicted or you will be away for a short time during freezing weather, leaving a faucet dripping at a trickle will keep a constant flow of water going which can help prevent freezing.
- Leave cabinet doors open to allow warm air to circulate around cold pipes.
- Make sure to leave your heat on with a low setting if you will be away for a short time.